Healing Meditation Needed for Ukraine

A healing meditation is needed. The drumbeat of war in Ukraine is heating up and Russia just announced recognition of occupied areas of Ukraine. Early this morning I awoke feeling a strong need to do a healing meditation on the situation, not knowing what to do exactly.
The Steps
I began by doing my Higher Consciousness Meditation process (see The Meditation Book) to get myself in the right frame of mind and receptivity to the promptings of my Higher Self. After coming to the end of the process, I had reached a state of consciousness that was ready.
I was first prompted to call Vladimir Putin, Joe Biden, and Volodymyr Zelensky into my Holy of Holies for a healing. I said, “I have asked your Higher Selves to join me this morning in order to work on healing the situation in Ukraine. Each of us is an Eternal Being whose motives and intentions may differ from the motives and intentions of our human selves. Let’s take a moment to be at peace with each other and to remember who we really are and put aside our human desires and intentions.” I paused for a few moments, took an unprompted deep breath which signals that Spirit has taken over, and then brought the session to a close.
I then used my Best Possible Outcomes (BPO) process (see The Manifestation Book) and said to my Higher Self, “HiC, I ask for the best possible outcome, for everyone involved, for this war vibration that’s going on in Ukraine”. I then paused again and caught a sacred breath again. Spirit engaged. “Thank you very much for your involvement”. (By the way, you can use this BPO process for anything you would like to manifest in your life. Be non-specific about what you want and turn the ”ask” over to Spirit to let Spirit unfold your request in whatever manner It wants to.)
Message from Spirit
HiC then said, “You know, there are many who are observing and working on what’s going on in Ukraine because of the worldwide implications. There are those who work on planetary issues from This Side (meaning 5-Dimensional Reality) who work on inner levels to maintain the maximum harmony on the planet. They are happy that you are working on this and that you are a conduit for spiritual energy intended to uplift this situation. Also, there are lightworkers like yourself all over the planet who are working on this, as well. Mostly, they are unaffiliated individuals who bring their elevated consciousness and various talents to help as best as they can as situations needing healing to occur. Your work combines with theirs to bring Light into the dark places humanity sometimes gets into.”
I have to say that HiC’s message blew me away. It was gratifying to hear that I was part of a sizeable group of embodied and disembodied spiritual beings that work on planetary issues. And that my small effort is part of a larger effort to avert disaster in Ukraine.
An Invitation
I am mindful that the message is this post may sound a bit “woo woo” to some. And that I have no tangible proof for what I am saying. Nevertheless, I trust my Higher Self and the healing skills I/we have been developing. And invite any who are motivated by this post to join us for the healing of the human desire to dominate others.
Will you join me/us to do your bit to work on inner levels for transformation?
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